So, you are looking for information about your Union dues? Excellent! We hope that this brief walk though of your dues will be of assistance to you. As always though, if you have additional questions, please reach out. You can ask the WPEA President or other members of the Executive Board such as your District VP, you can talk to any staff of the WPEA, you can always talk to the members of the WPEA Leadership Team for your bargaining unit, or call the WPEA Membership Coordinator at 360-943-1121. These are all resources for you, but we recommend you reach out to [email protected] and a member of the Organizing staff will personally help you.
WPEA? UFCW? Why two? (…and what is UFCW anyway?) Some of you may see your dues assessed in two parts (or under two codes) instead of one. There are a couple of variations on this, based off what organization you work for, but most see some version of WPEA dues, and UFCW dues.
WPEA, or the Washington Public Employees Association, was established in 1956 as an independent labor union advocating for the public employees of Washington State.
UFCW, or the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, is an international union that the WPEA affiliated with in 2003 to join the voices of its members with those of the nearly 1.4 million others nationwide. The WPEA is a local of the UFCW. We are WPEA, UFCW Local 365.
The members of other international unions pay one, much larger, fee directly to the international. Here at the WPEA, you pay a much smaller percentage for dues to the WPEA, and then an individual flat fee (or ‘per cap’ fee) as your dues to the UFCW. Even combined, these dues are much lower than those of other unions, but they are split into two parts and that can sometimes seem confusing and trigger questions.
So how are they calculated? These two parts are calculated differently, which is why you see them as two codes on your pay stubs. Your UFCW ‘per cap’ fee is currently $16.04 and is a flat fee that does not alter from month to month. Your WPEA dues are always calculated as 1.25% of your gross base wages, up to but not to exceed $69.42. The combination of the two is capped at $85.46 per month.
Although it can seem complicated, in any month, it is essentially calculated like this:
(your gross base wages X .0125) + $16.04 = your monthly dues
Really, that is all there is to it. We hope this was helpful but as always, if you have questions, please reach out!