WPEA Election FAQs When is the election? The election is December 1, 2023. Ballots must be received by noon that day, and will be counted that afternoon. Ballots will be mailed to eligible voters no later than November 11, at members' most recent address on record. When are nominations? Nominations will be made via Zoom at http://bit.ly/WPEAnominations2023 between October 21 and October 23: Saturday, 10/21: 1 PM to 5 PM Sunday, 10/22: 1 PM to 5 PM Monday, 10/23: 4 PM to 7 PM What if I can't attend one of those Zoom nomination meetings? In order to ensure that all members have a reasonable opportunity to participate, there is a voicemail option available between Monday, October 16 and Monday, October 23. Call 1.800.544.9732, ext. 116 and follow instructions to nominate someone via voicemail. Can I nominate myself? Yes. You can nominate any WPEA member, including yourself, for any office you are eligible to vote for. Vice Presidents must reside in, and be nominated by members of, the district they represent. What offices are up for election? Every WPEA office is up for election this year: President, Secretary-Treasurer, Recorder, and 10 Vice Presidents. Terms are three years long, beginning January 1, 2024. These elected officers make up the WPEA Executive Board. What do WPEA officers do? We have a writeup about the roles and responsibilities of the board [here]. Who is eligible to serve as a WPEA officer? According to the UFCW Constitution and WPEA bylaws, any WPEA member in good standing is eligible to serve on the Executive Board if they have been a WPEA member for at least one year; OR a member of UFCW in good standing for at least two years. How does campaigning work? Candidates are responsible for communicating with members, and no WPEA resources can be used to promote any individual candidate or candidates. Candidates can send campaign literature to members through the mail, at their own expense, through a mailing house. To learn more about this process, contact [email protected] or read the election rules [here]. Who runs the election? The WPEA election committee is made up of WPEA membersand is responsible for counting ballots, setting election rules, and addressing election concerns. The election committee is chaired by Seamus Petrie. You can contact the election committee at [email protected].