The Tentative Agreements for the changes to healthcare areHERE.
The compensation and healthcare summary is below – to see the other changes to the contract, please review the TAs. Compensation:
Wage Increases:
July 1, 2023 – 4%
July 1, 2024 – 3%
Shift Premium – Increased from $1.00 per/hr. to $2.50 per/hr.
Hourly Shift Premium - $2.50
Monthly Shift Premium - $435.00
Voluntary Booster Incentive – employees who choose to be fully vaccinated, including recommended booster (as defined by the CDC) before December 31, 2023, will be eligible for a on-time lump sum of $1,000.00.
Specific Classification Increases – Appendix M:
The following classifications will receive increases: Classification New Range Effective 7/1/2023* Human Resource Consultant 1 Range 47 Human Resource Consultant 2 Range 53 Human Resource Consultant 3 Range 59 Human Resource Consultant 4 Range 63 Custodian 1 Range 32 Custodian 2 Range 34 Custodian 3 Range 37 Custodian 4 Range 40 Custodian 5 Range 43 Communications Officer 1 Range 49SP Grounds & Nursery Svcs Spec. 2 Range 34 Grounds & Nursery Svcs Spec. 3 Range 36 Grounds & Nursery Svcs Spec. 4 Range 38 Procurement & Supply Specialist 1 Range 41 Deaf Interpreter 3 Range 47 Library & Archives Paraprof 2 Range 37 Cook 1 Range 35 Cook 2 Range 38 Cook 3 Range 40 Food Service Worker Range 34 Food Service Worker Lead Range 37 Food Service Supervisor 1 Range 41 Food Service Supervisor 2 Range 43 Food Service Manager 1 Range 45 Maintenance Custodian Range 36 * The associated increases shall be step for step.
Healthcare: The method for calculating the Employer’s Monthly Contribution (EMC) of health insurance premiums will change, resulting in employers paying a higher share of members’ monthly premiums.
Currently, the EMC is 85% of the weighted average of premiums across all plans. The EMC is then applied to the monthly premium of the plan the member has enrolled in. - Beginning in plan year 2024, the EMC will be 85% of the premium for the UMP Classic plan. The new EMC will be capped so that the employee contribution cannot be less than 2% of the EMC. The new EMC will then be applied to the monthly premium of the plan the member has enrolled in (as it is in the status quo).
Because the UMP Classic plan is more expensive than the average of all plans, this new calculation will result in the employer paying a greater share of monthly premiums than under the current calculation. Flexible Spending Account Under the tentative agreement, the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) benefit will be available to more members. The FSA benefit includes an annual employer contribution of $250.
The current FSA is available to members who make the full-time equivalent of $50,004 annually or less. - Under the TA, the FSA will be available to members who make the full-time equivalent of $60,000 annually or less. The employer and bargaining coalition have agreed to a memorandum of understanding to improve communications to members about the FSA from the employer and any 3rd party vendors.